Rabbi Larry Seidman

Rabbi Larry Seidman Wedding Officiant Orange County In Irvine

[ezcol_1third] Rabbi Larry Seidman
Irvine, CA 92603
[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third] 714-248-5771
[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third_end] WEBSITE

Rabbi Larry Seidman Wedding Officiant Orange County In Irvine Ca

Rabbi Larry Seidman

The Jewish faith has many beautiful and passionate rituals and a great amount of flexibility to integrate the ideas of the couple’s ideas and modern practices. As an example, the basics of the Jewish wedding is just a few paragraphs long. From those basics, the engaged couple & I are able to design the wedding ceremony that is perfect for them.

A few of the factors to consider would be:

  • What should be added to the traditional service through music & readings, and what should be added?
  • How many friends & family will be integrated into the wedding ceremony and in what capacity? Is your wedding going to be an interfaith ceremony?
  • Will the ceremony be in English or Hebrew? Will there be any other languages included?
  • How do we make sure all of the wedding guests understand the ceremony and can be included?
  • What is the couple’s background? How about the extended family members, guests, & wedding party? What expectations will they be bringing with them?

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