Wholly Ignited

Orange County Wedding Officiant Wholly Ignited In Mission Viejo

[ezcol_1third] Wholly Ignited
23120 Alicia Parkway
Mission Viejo, CA 92692
[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third] 949-831-1816
[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third_end] WEBSITE

Orange County Wedding Officiant Wholly Ignited In Mission Viejo Ca

When you’re looking for a minister or officiant for your wedding, you’ll want to consider not only the reliability, experience, and affordability of the officiant, but also ensure that the person is sensitive to your needs, as well as personable.

Just about anyone can lead a couple through a standard set of vows & canned messages. but since you want your ceremony to be a truly magical and unforgettable moment, it takes an experienced officiant who has a deep understanding of the importance of connecting, losing yourselves to each other, and of being in the moment as you make the deepest commitment of your lives as a couple. You want a customized, personalized wedding…..your way. We would love to discuss helping you transform the ordinary into the truly amazing!

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